First Time Guests

  • What to wear? Come as you are. Truly. Our congregation members dress in a range from formal to informal. You may see coats and ties. You may also see blue jeans and t-shirts. Whatever your style, we’ll be glad you came to be with us.

  • Worship Style: We enjoy a warm, casual style of worship, with both traditional hymns and contemporary Christian worship music. We often have special music by our choir, individual congregation members and also friends of the church.

  • Do you have programs for children? We certainly do! We offer children-oriented opportunities during worship and other fellowship opportunities throughout the year.

  • Where do we park? We have a large yard and parking area on several sides of the sanctuary and by our fellowship hall. You’ll easily find a spot!

  • What about the Lord’s Supper and Baptism? We celebrate the Lord’s Supper (communion) once per quarter during the calendar year, typically at an evening service. Baptisms are by immersion, and we welcome those who affirm Christ as savior to enter into the waters of baptism.

  • What’s an OFWB? Our congregation is a member of the Original Free Will Baptist denomination. While we have a high degree of autonomy as a congregation, we also join in ministry with other congregations in our regional conference (the Central Conference) and our wider denominational network. Together, we believe we can accomplish more.